Trades placed by optionFair
According to Doug’s analysis the EUR/GBP is expected to bulge. A fast increase in a security's or commodity's trading price. A bulge is similar to a rally on equity exchanges. The instrument fitting in this scenario is: "High".
I placed $1,350 on “High” at optionFair™ Binary Options Trading Platform, so that if this option expires above the strike price, I will receive a 70% return, or $945 on my in-vestment. At the buying time, 10:16, the EUR/GBP traded at 0.85982 and the target price was 0.86051 at the expiry time of 10:30. The market was above the strike price therefore I earned $2295.
The EUR/USD is increasing according to Doug’s analysis. That creates an investment opportunity in the following instruments: “High”, “No Touch Down” and “Touch”.
I placed $1,100 on “Touch” at optionFair™ Binary Options Trading Platform with the understanding that if the option touches the strike price prior to expiration, I will have a 77% re-turn, giving me $847 on my initial investment.
At the buying time, 10:27, the EUR/USD traded at 1.34491 at 10:33 the strike price was hit giving me $847 win on my initial investment in just 5 minutes.