Marco Steiner

About Marco Steiner
Marco began his trading career in Forex and stock markets in 2014, before branching out into crypto, blockchain technology, and decentralized applications. Marco's interest in capital markets was triggered while studying for an economics degree at WU Vienna after a friend started trading Forex. The Forex market remains the market Marco is most passionate about.
Marco holds a BA in Economics from the Wirtschaftuniversität Wien, Austria. His writing career started in 2015 as a writer for and content manager with Goldsreins & Partner. Since 2017 Marco has been working with DSS - Digital Service Solution GmbH as a senior writer and business analyst, and he has been published at many portals.
Latest 10 Articles
- 11 Top Trading Mistakes to Avoid
- 10/02/2018 7:53
What’s the most common mistake traders make? Undercapitalization, poor analysis & risk management, or a trading strategy? Above all these, is the lack of patience.
- Forex Trading Volume – A Simple Guide
- 02/08/2012 10:50
For a currency to be traded and for its price to move from one level to another, volume is required. Or put another way, volume is the gas in the tank of the trading machine.