Looking to improve your site with financial tools that will inspire or enlighten your readers? DailyForex.com Forex widgets will do just that! We are constantly updating the list of our Forex webmaster tools, so feel free to check back if you want to add a new one.
Our Forex webmaster tools are easy to install on all websites including WordPress, Blogger, Joomla and Drupal, and will provide added value to your website. Try out one of these valuable Forex widgets - we’ve done the work so that you don’t have to!

Forex All In One Widget
Want to add a widget to your website that will provide a real informational value to your readers?
Send us an email (widgets{@}dailyforex.com) with your URL and we'll send you a code for a customized widget (Sample 1 | Sample 2).
Want DailyForex.com news on your favorite Feed reader? Checkout DailyForex.com RSS feeds page.
Don’t see what you want? We can customize our widgets and RSS specifically for your site – contact us to learn more.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I install one of DailyForex’s widgets on my site?
- 1. Select the widget you would like to install from the widgets page
- 2. Click “+add to your site”, then “get your code”
- 3. The widget installation code will be sent to the email address you provided
- 4. Copy the code you’ve received & paste to your site code, using HTML TEXT
How can I resize & customize the widget?
- 1. Go to the widget page on the DailyForex website
- 2. Select “customize your skin” on the top left part of the page
- 3. This will allow you to select the template and size of your choice by changing the settings of “width/height”
Are DailyForex widgets suitable for WordPress / Drupal / Joomla sites ?
- 1. Yes, our widgets fit most web platforms
- 2. You may install the widget by using the right iFrame on your site platform
Can I remove the branding logo from the installed widget?
- The logo cannot be removed when the widget is being used for personal use
How can I receive an AIO (All-in-One) widget?
- If you wish to install an AIO widget, please send us your request by email to info@dailyforex.com