Editor’s Verdict
Headquarters | United States |
Year Established | 1980 |
US Persons Accepted? |
Euro Pacific is a full service FINRA registered broker-dealer that has been recognized since 1980 for its prowess in securities and foreign markets. Its headquarters are in Westport, Connecticut. Euro Pacific offers access to US stocks and bonds and domestic investment but specializes in international securities. Euro Pacifics investment approach to combat the present state of the world and U.S. economy is to choose a basket of relatively conservative, high dividend paying, export dependent foreign equities. Their protection lies in the fact that they pay good dividends, being paid in foreign currencies, their value rises as and if the dollar falls and there is true potential for capital gains as the shares appreciate in value with their local currency. This website is rife with free news and other educational resources, free reports, video blogs, details about the company and its various branch offices and types of investments available. Clients are given a list of recommended reading material, and have easy access to daily domestic, international and futures quotes, the latest news about Euro Pacific and archived articles of interest and pertinence. The employees of Euro Pacific are very high profile and this adds to the trust level created for customers as they know they are in capable hands. Customer service is stressed upon and ample information available about the employees of the company. This website also makes provision for those seeking employment with Euro Pacific. It specifies the requirements in terms of qualifications necessary and updates what posts are currently available. Application is an easy process and can be done online. Euro Pacific provides an attractive working environment.