Editor’s Verdict



Year Established
US Persons Accepted?

Forex worldwide is a company with a global presence in the areas of Foreign Exchange and Contracts for Difference training and support. Being based in Dublin, Ireland, it is represented in the United Kingdom, Spain, and South Africa. Forex worldwide has been in this field since 1999, and, thus, has a great amount of experience to its name.

The bull and bear logo immediately gives the impression of power and adds to the attractiveness of the website. This company's website provides ample information in neat sections. These cover the company, downloads, the bookstore, professional training, resources, opening an account, an introduction to foreign exchange for novices, and much more.

Forex Worldwide Support has a simple, organized website leading you through the world of Forex, teaching you how to be as successful as possible, while warning you of the risks that come along with the job. Opening an account is easy, you are able to choose your country and fill out an application right there on the spot. For those unsure, there is also a demo account helping you understand the process Forex trading entails. There is free training available that comes along with signing up for the demo account, as well as a practice form. There are over 120 currency pairs offered, mobile trading platforms, and easy credit card payment.

Staff are there via Skype to help with any questions that may arise welcoming you into the wonderful world that the Forex community has to offer.

Deal Book 360 is the trading software used by Forex worldwide. On account of its widespread know-how and highly trained personnel, Forex worldwide is among the leaders in all the fields in which it operates. It places great emphasis on customer service. A unique feature of this website are the client testimonials that are shared: this is a nice touch that inspires confidence and underlines the company's strong service motive. This company prides itself on its discipline and superior technology. A good website to be sure: it brings out the essence and principles of Forex worldwide!

Trading Platform

DailyForex.com Team
The DailyForex.com team is comprised of analysts and researchers from around the world who watch the market throughout the day to provide you with unique perspectives and helpful analysis that can help improve your Forex trading.