Giles Coghlan

Giles Coghlan
Published articles: 18

About Giles Coghlan

Giles Coghlan is the Chief Currency Analyst at HYCM, one of the oldest brokers in the industry. Since joining the company in April 2018 Giles has played a key role in providing his expertise to HYCM’s investors.

With over 10 years of experience in trading, Giles is committed to helping traders by sharing his daily fundamental and technical analysis on currencies and major commodities. Giles is also a contributor to major Forex and financial media, and his pieces are read by thousands of traders on a regular basis. He provides live, real time analysis keeping readers abreast of the latest moves in the currency, equity and commodity markets.

Giles is a gifted, engaging communicator and regularly conducts HYCM webinars, seminars, and trading workshops to equip hundreds of investors across the globe with everything needed to make informed trading decisions. He is passionate about helping traders take their skills to the next level as well as helping them avoid unnecessary trading pitfalls.

Giles received his law degree from University of Birmingham, and an MA in Theology from University of Wales Trinity Saint David.


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