Terry Allen

Terry Allen
Published articles: 31

About Terry Allen

Terry Allen is a career Forex trader who has written hundreds of articles for DailyForex and other industry websites. He is the co-author of an Amazon e-book titled Kick-Start Your Forex Career, which outlines the information that everyone needs to know before starting to trade Forex. Terry has been featured on Benzinga and Seeking Alpha.



Latest 10 Articles

This article will take a look at some of the influences that can affect daily Forex rates.

Forex scalpers focus on very small price movements and evade volatility as a primary consideration.

It is highly recommended for you to create your own Forex brokers guide so that you will keep in mind what offerings and preferences you want in a Forex broker.

On the surface, Forex appears to be relatively simple. Basically, you just speculate on whether currency pairs will rise or fall in value.

In fundamental terms, you would expect making money on Forex should be a relatively easy task.

Forex Scammers are a wily bunch and very proficient at using clever marketing techniques to further their ends.

This article explains the advantages in Forex trading.

The Price and Volume Trend indicator (PVT) has no acclaimed designer.

This Forex tool is able to smooth out long-term price trends helping its users to more easily detect short-term market tops and bottoms.

The central idea behind trading with large stop-losses is to achieve a very strong win:loss ratio which will then offset the poor risk:reward one.

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